Vinyl Films and Sheets is glad to announce the composition of the new board for the next biennium 2022– 2024. The elections took place during the last General Assembly in March and as a demonstration of the great work carried out by the group i
n the last two years, the structure of the Executive Committee was almost entirely reconfirmed.
Mr. Stefano Mele (Gruppo Fabbri) is the newly elected President, while the former Chairman, Mr. Roberto Bozzi (Vulcaflex) will continue to take part in the activities of the board in the capacity of a member, together with Mr. Pascal Marly (Griffine). Michel Py (CIFRA) and Gabriele Ditsch (Berry Global) have been respectively confirmed as Vice President and Treasurer of the board.
Under the leadership of the Executive Committee, Vinyl Films and Sheets will strenuously continue its work towards ensuring a sustainable future for the PVC films sector, by representing the industry in the context of the relationships with all relevant stakeholders.