On the 15th of June, Vinyl Films & Sheets Europe proudly launched its new website www.vfse.org. In 2016, discussions to merge existing EATS (European Automotive Trim Suppliers), EDEFA (European Decorative Foils Association) and EPFMA (European PVC Films Manufacturers Association) began. The recently founded European wide association Vinyl Films & Sheets Europe now represents all three associations within the EuPC structure.
The mission of VFSE is to represent and defend the interests of the European suppliers of plastics sheets and foils by carrying out scientific and economic studies, initiating common action concerning environment and recycling issues and promoting international collaboration within the framework of the European Union. To ensure the best possible cooperation, a strong link with Vinyl Plus and Recovinyl on all PVC film recycling and communications activities has been established.
"I am pleased to head VFSE to advance the interests of European plastics sheets and foils manufacturers,” states Roberto Bozzi, VFSE President. “Deepening collaboration across borders, furthering the industry's scientific advancement and ensuring long-term sustainability are at the heart of VFSE's efforts.” The website will serve as platform to access latest industry news and latest studies on vinyl sheets and films.
A press picture (screenshot) of the new home page is available below.
For more information about VFSE please contact Maria Estela Izquierdo at PCE: Maria.Estela.Izquierdo@pceu.eu